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Bulb Mass Planting Masterclass 2016

Spring Bulbs - A Mass Planting Masterclass

Wednesday 26 October - 10.00am-3.00pm (Free Event)

Bulbs provide a seasonal splash of colour year after after year, enhancing your designs and environment from formal plantings to naturalised drifts. Our mass bulb planting masterclass is designed to give you all the information you need to effectively plant bulbs on a mass scale.

Taking place in the informal setting of our Cash and Carry facility, on the day we will be covering subjects such as:

• Selection of bulbs and the grading process
• Care and storage
• Final planting positions and pot growing
• Bespoke blends and much much more

We will also be offering you the unique opportunity to see an example of mechanized mass bulb planting in action with our bulb partners JUB (Jac. Uittenbogaard) one of Holland's premium bulb growers and the only one to have the Seal of Dutch Royal Appointment. JUB are also on of the official exhibitors at the world famous Keukenhof Gardens.

Thanks to Ashford Borough Council we will be visiting one of their sites to see a practical demonstration of bulb planting using innovative machinery. You will be able to see how the equipment works, ask the experts about ground conditions, services, access, see the finished results and talk to the team about bespoke blends.

The day is aimed at Local Authority Green Space Managers, Client Officers, Landscape Architects and Contractors. We look forward to meeting you here at Palmstead when our staff will be available throughout the day for any questions you may have. We will need to make arrangements for travel to the nearby planting site in Ashford so pre-booking is essential.  In addition to this we will also be holding a 'blue cross sale' in our trade outlet on the day so if you wish to grab a bargain then look for the items with a blue cross!

Please click here to pre-book your space.